

BiblioPlanet offers new summer books:



Biblioplanet offers above 70 000 authoritative high-quality ebooks on social sciences and humanities.
Libraries or individual users can subscribe to the largest polythematic selection – Basic Academic Collection, choose any number of subject collections or obtain titles for continuing access.






Here are some new books in the collection of Biblioplanet:




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The platform provides various models suitable for libraries and institutions.

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Warmest wishes from our company for a happier and healthier 2021!

We thank you all for the cooperation and wish you peace and joy in a new world of prosperous 2021.


The global fight against coronavirus (COVID-19) requires common efforts and serious restrictive measures, so we would like to support our clients in promoting distance learning. Together with our partners we offer a number of Russian electronic resources with remote access for one to two months for free.

Please contact us at to request free access to the following on-line collections:


Biblioplanet is a joint project of MIPP International and NeksMedia, the largest Russian aggregator of academic ebooks. The platform with English language interface contains more than 70,000 e-books on social sciences and humanities, with more than 9,000 titles of fiction (in Russian, English and German) among them.


The electronic library offers access to publications on popular science, leisure, business and educational literature as well as all types of e-books for broadening knowledge and self-development. The library includes reference books and encyclopedias, fiction, historical and scientific periodicals, classics and intellectual fiction.

Free Webinars

To help you enable remote access for your users we would be glad to hold free webinars on licensed and free e-resources. Please contact us at to discuss the agenda and to schedule the time.


Art Portal “World Art Culture” presents its new subscription project Art Library.

Currently, the library has more than 3,000 books on various issues and aspects of art.

For the convenience of users, all publications are grouped by type of art and are presented in different sections: Architecture, Decorative and Applied Art, Theory and History of Art, Painting, Cinema, Animation, Cultural Studies, Graphics, Art Photography, Computer Graphics, Museology, Restoration, Theater, Music , Dance, etc.


Biblioplanet, a pioneering service for Slavic and Eurasian studies libraries, announces a SPECIAL OFFER.

Get a 1-year free subscription to Art Portal upon subscription to BiblioPlanet.***

Art Portal is a new project for art researchers. It provides access to high-resolution images of works of art. Here you will find not only copies of works of art, but also extensive information about architecture, painting, graphics and arts and crafts, world heritage sites.

There are several information modules included in Art Portal.

In the Art Textbook the authors in a simple and accessible language talk about such capacious concepts as artistic styles and directions; about their appearance, development, about the great masters who worked in these styles, about the greatest masterpieces created in different eras.

A user can find biographies of outstanding masters of painting, sculpture and architecture, which will tell about their life and periods of creativity. They will help to understand what influenced their formation and development of artistic talent.

Another information block is devoted to museums of the world. Here a user can get acquainted with the history of creating a collection of a museum, find out interesting details about patrons, masterpieces, artists and much more.

You are welcome to send your requests or questions to or fill out the form on the Subscription page .

*** Special offer is valid till January 1, 2020 and covers the following subscription options: Subscription, Subscription with Evidence Based Selection.


Direkt-Media company, owner of eng.biblioclub platform, launches a new electronic project Art Catalogue which is a development of World Art Portal.

A new art album is freely available at It contains a collection of hundreds of illustrations upon a certain topic with comments and multimedia materials. The theme of such publications is diverse: art of world countries, eras, genres, trends and personalities.


The list of titles available through Biblioplanet has been expanded with 55 books from Siberian State Technological University, 47 books from Institute of Economic Renovation Problems, 22 books from Volgograd Architecture and Construction University. The content is catered for a wide audience, for all people, who are interested in marketing, modern business culture, self development, etc.


From 2017 Direkt-Media company has started to attribute DOI identificator to ebooks at University Library Online platform. DOI is assigned to electronic objects, allows identifing and protecting author rights and ensuring continuing access to an ebook. DOI registration is being conducted by the international association DataCite in cooperation with Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University.